You Have the Power to Help Ensure That We Always Remember

by | Oct 19, 2022 | Education

As a young boy during the Holocaust, Ben Lesser never imagined the effect he would have on the world through the foundation he would start, the Zachor Foundation. Living through the atrocities of war taught him firsthand the importance of living together in peace, free of judgment, and accepting everyone as equals.

The Meaning of ZACHOR

ZACHOR means to remember, which is the goal of the foundation for which Ben Lesser has become known worldwide. His ultimate message is for everyone to learn from history so that it never happens again. Remembering a time of hate can allow us to move forward in a more loving and peaceful way.

One Way the Foundation Helps

One of the most significant aspects of the Holocaust Survivors Foundation is their work in telling the stories of survivors. Stories of past atrocities help so many today who feel marginalized and mistreated. Learning the histories of Holocaust survivors allows us to put faces to horrific stories we learned in school. Putting real faces to stories can make it easier for us to understand the damage that can be done if we don’t change.

How You Can Help Raise Awareness

There are several ways you can help raise awareness in the name of the ZACHOR Foundation. Donations are always welcome, but there are many other options that only involve giving of yourself and your time. You can take classes on your own at your own rate of speed. You can talk to others about what you learn. You can attend speaking engagements given by Holocaust survivors.

Contact ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation today at to find out how you can help. We need each other.

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